SGI Performance Co-Pilot 2.1
Performance Co-Pilot 2.1 for IRIX 5.3, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5.5.img
Text File
776 lines
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3. _C_h_a_n_g_e_s__a_n_d__A_d_d_i_t_i_o_n_s
The major additions and changes for the basic services and
tools of the Performance Co-Pilot are described in the
following sections.
Refer to the reference pages of the individual utilities for
a complete description of any new functionality.
3.1 _I_n_f_r_a_s_t_r_u_c_t_u_r_e__C_h_a_n_g_e_s
The following changes have been made to the PCP
infrastructure that affect both collector and monitor
3.1.1 _P_C_P__2_._0__t_o__P_C_P__2_._1
1. To help with PCP deployments on systems running
operating systems other than IRIX, the Performance
Metrics Name Space (PMNS) has been overhauled to
remove the iiiirrrriiiixxxx.... prefix from the names of the
system-centric performance metrics, e.g.
iiiirrrriiiixxxx....ddddiiiisssskkkk....ddddeeeevvvv....rrrreeeeaaaadddd____bbbbyyyytttteeeessss has become
ddddiiiisssskkkk....ddddeeeevvvv....rrrreeeeaaaadddd____bbbbyyyytttteeeessss. In addition to changing the
PMNS, translations are also handled dynamically in the
PCP libraries, so all clients will continue to operate
correctly using either the new or the old names. As a
consequence no configuration files will need to be
changed, and monitoring tools will work correctly in
environments with a mixture of new and old style PMNS
2. The PCP inference engine ppppmmmmiiiieeee(1) has migrated from the
_p_c_p._s_w._m_o_n_i_t_o_r subsystem to the _p_c_p__e_o_e._s_w._e_o_e
subsystem, and the licensing restrictions have been
relaxed to allow ppppmmmmiiiieeee to be used to monitor
performance on the local host without any PCP
3. Support for running ppppmmmmiiiieeee(1) as a daemon has been
added. This has many similarities to the ppppmmmmccccdddd(1) and
ppppmmmmllllooooggggggggeeeerrrr(1) daemon support - ppppmmmmiiiieeee can be controlled
through the cccchhhhkkkkccccoooonnnnffffiiiigggg(1) interface, and the startup
and shutdown script, ////eeeettttcccc////iiiinnnniiiitttt....dddd////ppppmmmmiiiieeee which supports
starting and stopping multiple ppppmmmmiiiieeee instances
monitoring one or more hosts. This is achieved with
the assistance of another script, ppppmmmmiiiieeee____cccchhhheeeecccckkkk(1) which
is similar to the ppppmmmmllllooooggggggggeeeerrrr support script
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4. New capabilities have been added to assist in the
estimation of PCP archive sizes. The ----rrrr option for
ppppmmmmllllooooggggggggeeeerrrr(1) causes the size of the physical record(s)
for each group of metrics and the expected
contribution of the group to the size of the PCP
archive for one full day of collection to be reported
in the log file. The ----ssss option to ppppmmmmdddduuuummmmpppplllloooogggg(1) will
report the size in bytes of each physical record in
the archive.
5. Changes to ppppmmmmllllooooggggggggeeeerrrr(1) have greatly reduced the size
of the *._m_e_t_a files created when logging metrics with
instance domains that change over time.
6. As an aid to creating ppppmmmmllllooooggggggggeeeerrrr configuration files,
ppppmmmmllllooooggggccccoooonnnnffff(1) is a new tool that allows selection of
groups of commonly desired metrics and customization
of ppppmmmmllllooooggggggggggggeeeerrrr configurations from a simple interactive
3.1.2 _P_C_P__1_._3__t_o__P_C_P__2_._0
1. The PCP Performance Metrics Name Space (PMNS) has
previously been local to the application wishing to
make reference to PCP metrics by name. In PCP 2.0 the
PMNS operations are directed to the host or archive
that is the source of the desired performance metrics,
see ppppmmmmnnnnssss(4).
The default name space is now associated with the PCP
collector host rather than PCP monitor host. The
distributed PMNS involves changes to both the PCP
protocols between client applications and ppppmmmmccccdddd, and
the internal format of PCP archive files (the
ppppmmmmllllooooggggggggeeeerrrr(1) utility is able to write PCP archive logs
in either the old or new formats).
2. PCP monitor hosts do not require any name space files,
unless the local PCP client applications need to
connect to PCP collector hosts that have not yet been
upgraded to PCP 2.1. The distributed PMNS is
implemented by having the name space functions of the
PCP Performance Metrics Application Programming
Interface (PMAPI) send and receive messages to and
from the collector ppppmmmmccccdddd(1), just like the other PMAPI
3. Full interoperability is supported for PCP 2.0, so new
PCP components will operate correctly with either new
or old PCP components. For example, a PCP client that
connects to a PCP 1.x ppppmmmmccccdddd or attempts to process a
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PCP archive created by a PCP 1.x ppppmmmmllllooooggggggggeeeerrrr will revert
to using the local PMNS.
The following table describes the supported
interoperability between the client, ppppmmmmccccdddd(1) and PCP
archive log components of PCP 2.0 and PCP 1.x:
PCP 1.x client PCP 2.0 client
PCP 1.x _p_m_c_d yes yes
PCP 1.x archive yes yes
PCP 2.0 _p_m_c_d yes yes
PCP 2.0 archive no yes
4. The protocols between a PMDA and ppppmmmmccccdddd(1) have also
changed, through a new version of the _l_i_b_p_c_p__p_m_d_a
The following table describes the supported
interoperability between the ppppmmmmccccdddd(1) and PMDA
components of PCP 2.0 and PCP 1.x:
PCP 1.x PCP 1.x PCP 2.0 PCP 2.0
PCP 1.x _p_m_c_d yes yes no no
PCP 2.0 _p_m_c_d yes no yes yes
5. Product structural changes.
The PCP product images have been re-arranged as
+o _p_c_p__e_o_e contains all of the pieces that are
common to any successful PCP installation,
particularly for a collector system, i.e. a place
where ppppmmmmccccdddd is running.
+o _p_c_p__e_o_e will ship in IRIX 6.5 and as part of PCP
2.0 for earlier IRIX releases.
+o _p_c_p__e_o_e._s_w._m_o_n_i_t_o_r includes the oooovvvviiiieeeewwww monitoring
application (for monitoring the performance of
ORIGIN systems, from SC4-PCPORIGIN) and does not
require any PCP licenses.
+o _p_c_p._s_w._b_a_s_e provides the core PCP components that
are outside _p_c_p__e_o_e.
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+o _p_c_p._s_w._e_o_e for IRIX 6.2 or later has been
replaced by _p_c_p__e_o_e._s_w._e_o_e (more formally the
latter updates the former). For IRIX 5.3,
_p_c_p._s_w._e_o_e is almost empty, but allows for clean
upgrades from all earlier PCP versions.
+o _p_c_p._s_w._m_o_n_i_t_o_r provides all of the PCP client
tools for monitoring performance.
+o The other _p_c_p subsystems provide optional PCP
6. PCP 2.0 introduces some new extensions to the PMAPI,
mostly to accommodate the distributed PMNS and some
underlying protocol changes to support enhanced
inter-operability. The _l_i_b_p_c_p and _l_i_b_p_c_p__p_m_d_a
libraries have been updated to version sgi2.0. The
older versions of these libraries are still supported
and may be installed from the _p_c_p._s_w._c_o_m_p_a_t subsystem
if required for older PMDAs or customer-developed PCP
The API has also changed in some ways related to
symbol hiding and changes in function arguments. The
xxxxllllaaaatttteeee____ppppmmmmaaaappppiiii script in the _p_c_p__g_i_f_t_s._s_w._m_i_g_r_a_t_e
subsystem may be used to automate the bulk of the
source code translation from the 1.x version to the
2.0 version of the PMAPI, i.e. from _l_i_b_p_c_p._s_o._1 and
_l_i_b_p_c_p__p_m_d_a._s_o._1 to _l_i_b_p_c_p._s_o._2 and _l_i_b_p_c_p__p_m_d_a._s_o._2.
7. In the transition from PCP 1.2 to PCP 1.3, the
_l_i_b_p_c_p__l_i_t_e library was removed and the functionality
ppppmmmmNNNNeeeewwwwCCCCoooonnnntttteeeexxxxtttt(3) in _l_i_b_p_c_p. The old _l_i_b_p_c_p__l_i_t_e
library is still available in the _p_c_p._s_w._c_o_m_p_a_t
8. ppppmmmmLLLLooooooookkkkuuuuppppNNNNaaaammmmeeee(3) now produces an extra error code,
to a non-leaf node in the PMNS and so no PMID can be
returned. Previously, if a non-leaf name was given
then PPPPMMMM____EEEERRRRRRRR____NNNNAAAAMMMMEEEE would be returned. Now the error
PPPPMMMM____EEEERRRRRRRR____NNNNAAAAMMMMEEEE means only that the name does not exist in
the name space.
9. The function ppppmmmmGGGGeeeettttCCCChhhhiiiillllddddrrrreeeennnnSSSSttttaaaattttuuuussss(3) was added to the
PMAPI. It was introduced mainly to satisfy a new need
of ppppmmmmcccchhhhaaaarrrrtttt(1). As well as getting the names of all
the children nodes, ppppmmmmGGGGeeeettttCCCChhhhiiiillllddddrrrreeeennnnSSSSttttaaaattttuuuussss returns a
parallel array of the status of each node, indicating
if it is a leaf or non-leaf node.
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10. A new (much smaller) format for PMDA help text files
has been implemented, with support in the _l_i_b_p_c_p__p_m_d_a
library and the nnnneeeewwwwhhhheeeellllpppp(1) utility.
11. A ----LLLL option was added to ppppmmmmdddduuuummmmpppplllloooogggg(1) to produce a
more verbose variant of ----llll and report all of the
details from a PCP archive label.
12. ppppmmmmllllooooggggggggeeeerrrr(1) uses the additional ppppmmmmccccdddd state change
information to embed "mark" records in PCP archives
when new PMDAs are started by ppppmmmmccccdddd. During replay,
this prevents interpolation of values in the PCP
archive across the life of an old and a new instance
of the same PMDA.
13. The temporal index file (``.index'' suffix) is
optional when PCP archives are being replayed.
14. Changes to track the object format of the booted IRIX
kernel, briefly:
+o ``MACH'' tag key PCP binaries in the images to
ensure installation of o32, n32 or n64 versions
as appropriate, based upon the installation
platform and the IRIX version.
+o Only one version of the ppppmmmmccccdddd binary will be
installed, now in /_u_s_r/_e_t_c/_p_m_c_d.
+o A new ppppmmmmoooobbbbjjjjssssttttyyyylllleeee(1) command is used to determine
the appropriate kernel object style at run time
as required, e.g. when ppppmmmmccccdddd(1) is attaching a DSO
3.2 _C_o_l_l_e_c_t_o_r__C_h_a_n_g_e_s
The following changes effect PMCD and the PMDAs that provide
the collection services.
3.2.1 _P_C_P__2_._0__t_o__P_C_P__2_._1
1. The pppprrrroooocccc agent has been changed to use
/_p_r_o_c/_p_i_n_f_o/_x_x_x_x if possible and only use /_p_r_o_c/_x_x_x_x
if there is no alternative. Previously this agent
always used /_p_r_o_c/_x_x_x_x to extract process information,
and this caused unnecessary access checking to take
place and some NFS contention problems were reported
as a result.
2. The new eeeessssppppppppiiiinnnngggg PMDA provides quality of service
metrics for consumption by the Embedded Support
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Partner (ESP) infrastructure (released in IRIX 6.5.5).
This PMDA can be used in conjunction with ppppmmmmiiiieeee(1)
rules generated by the new ppppmmmmiiiieeeeccccoooonnnnffff(1) tool to detect
service failure on either local or remote hosts.
Among the services which can be probed are ICMP, SMTP,
NNTP, ppppmmmmccccdddd, and local HIPPI interfaces using the new
hhhhiiiipppppppprrrroooobbbbeeee(1) utility.
3. Changes to the way ppppmmmmccccdddd(1) and ppppmmmmllllooooggggggggeeeerrrr(1) are started
from ////eeeettttcccc////iiiinnnniiiitttt....dddd////ppppccccpppp.
a. When ppppmmmmllllooooggggggggeeeerrrr is chkconfig'd oooonnnn, ppppmmmmllllooooggggggggeeeerrrr
instances are launched in the background from
////eeeettttcccc////iiiinnnniiiitttt....dddd////ppppccccpppp ssssttttaaaarrrrtttt, as this helps faster
system reboots. In some cases this results in
diagnostics from ppppmmmmllllooooggggggggeeeerrrr and/or
////uuuussssrrrr////ppppccccpppp////bbbbiiiinnnn////ppppmmmmllllooooggggggggeeeerrrr____cccchhhheeeecccckkkk that previously
appeared when ////eeeettttcccc////iiiinnnniiiitttt....dddd////ppppccccpppp was run to now be
generated asynchronously - any such messages are
forwarded to the rrrrooooooootttt user as e-mail. These
messages are in addition to those already
written to /_v_a_r/_a_d_m/_p_c_p/_N_O_T_I_C_E_S by ppppmmmmppppoooosssstttt(1)
from ////eeeettttcccc////iiiinnnniiiitttt....dddd////ppppccccpppp.
b. A new utility, ppppmmmmccccdddd____wwwwaaaaiiiitttt(1), provides a more
reliable mechanism for detecting that ppppmmmmccccdddd is
ready to accept client connections.
4. In concert with changes to ppppmmmmiiiieeee, the ppppmmmmccccdddd PMDA has
been extended to export information about executing
ppppmmmmiiiieeee instances and their progress in terms of rule
evaluations and action execution rates. Refer to the
ppppmmmmccccdddd....ppppmmmmiiiieeee....**** metrics.
3.2.2 _P_C_P__1_._3__t_o__P_C_P__2_._0
1. ppppmmmmccccdddd(1) has been modified to support the distributed
name space. This has meant the following changes:
+o ppppmmmmccccdddd(1) now loads the default name space on
startup or an alternative name space if specified
by ----nnnn.
+o On a SIGHUP signal it will reload the name space
if it has been modified since the last load time.
+o ppppmmmmccccdddd(1) responds to name space PDU requests using
its local name space.
2. ppppmmmmccccdddd(1) no longer requires a PCP collector license to
start, however connections will be refused for most
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PCP clients unless the PCP collector license is
installed and valid. Some clients (most notably
oooovvvviiiieeeewwww(1)) can connect to ppppmmmmccccdddd independent of any PCP
licenses. To support this, the client-pmcd connection
protocols have been extended.
3. Support has been added for multiple protocol versions
for the client-pmcd IPC and the interaction between
ppppmmmmccccdddd and the PMDAs.
4. The logic used by ppppmmmmccccdddd for locating DSO PMDAs of the
correct object format has been reworked.
5. The diagnostic event tracing options of ppppmmmmccccdddd have been
extended to include an "unbuffered" mode where every
event is reported as it happens, as opposed to
buffering events in a ring buffer and only reporting
on errors and in response to explicit requests.
6. The distributed PMNS changes mean that ppppmmmmccccdddd must load
and export the PMNS in response to requests from
client applications. ppppmmmmccccdddd's SIGHUP processing has
been extended to include reloading the PMNS if the
external PMNS file has been modified.
7. In concert with a change to ppppmmmmFFFFeeeettttcccchhhh in _l_i_b_p_c_p, ppppmmmmccccdddd is
now able to export out-of-band information about ppppmmmmccccdddd
state changes (specifically PMDA add, drop and
restart) back to client applications.
3.3 _M_o_n_i_t_o_r__C_h_a_n_g_e_s
The major additions and changes for the performance
visualization and analysis tools are described below.
3.3.1 _P_C_P__2_._0__t_o__P_C_P__2_._1
1. ppppmmmmiiiieeee
a. A syntactic restriction in the specification
language has been relaxed, and actions may now
have an arbitrary number of quoted arguments
(previously at most two arguments were allowed).
At the same time a problem with the ssssyyyysssslllloooogggg
action was resolved, allowing the ----pppp option to
be passed to llllooooggggggggeeeerrrr(1). For example, this is
now valid:
some_inst (
(100 * filesys.used / filesys.capacity) > 98 )
-> syslog "-p daemon.info 'file system close to full"
" %h:[%i] %v% " "'";
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b. Metrics with dynamic instance domains are now
correctly handled by ppppmmmmiiiieeee. Previously ppppmmmmiiiieeee
instantiated the instance domain when it
started, and was oblivious to any subsequent
changes in the instance domain. This is most
useful for rules using the metrics of the
hhhhoooottttpppprrrroooocccc PMDA that is part of the ppppccccpppp product.
c. The ppppmmmmiiiieeee language has been extended to allow two
new operators mmmmaaaattttcccchhhh____iiiinnnnsssstttt and nnnnoooommmmaaaattttcccchhhh____iiiinnnnsssstttt that
take a regular expression and a boolean
expression. The result is the boolean AND of
the expression and the result of matching (or
not matching) the associated instance name
against the regular expression.
For example, this rule evaluates error rates on
various 10BaseT Ethernet network interfaces
(e.g. ecN, etN or efN):
match_inst "^(ec|et|ef)"
network.interface.total.errors > 10 count/sec
-> syslog "Ethernet errors:" " %i";
The following rule evaluates available free
space for all filesystems except the root
nomatch_inst "/dev/root"
filesys.free < 10 Mbytes
-> print "Low filesystem free (Mb):" " [%i]:%v";
d. During rule evaluation, ppppmmmmiiiieeee keeps track of the
expected number of rule evaluations, number of
rules actually evaluated, the number of
predicates that are true and false, the number
of actions executed, etc. These statistics are
maintained as binary data structures in the
mmmmmmmmaaaapppp'ed files /_v_a_r/_t_m_p/_p_m_i_e/<_p_i_d>. If ppppmmmmiiiieeee is
running on a system with a PCP collector
deployment, the ppppmmmmccccdddd PMDA exports these metrics
via the new ppppmmmmccccdddd....ppppmmmmiiiieeee....**** group of metrics.
e. Some restrictions on the expansion of macros
(e.g. $name) have been removed, so macro
expansion can occur anywhere in the ppppmmmmiiiieeee rule
f. There has been some changes to improve the
formatting of numeric values reported with the
options ----vvvv, ----VVVV and ----WWWW, and for the expansion of
%%%%vvvv in actions. In general terms these have
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removed extra white space and reduced the
likelihood of scientific notation being used.
2. A set of parameterized ppppmmmmiiiieeee rules have been developed
which are applicable to most systems and will allow
ppppmmmmiiiieeee to be used by new users without knowledge of the
ppppmmmmiiiieeee syntax. A new utility, ppppmmmmiiiieeeeccccoooonnnnffff(1) has been
built which allows these rules to be enabled or
disabled, or the parameters and thresholds adjusted
for a specific system.
The combination of ppppmmmmiiiieeee, ppppmmmmiiiieeeeccccoooonnnnffff, ppppmmmmiiiieeee____cccchhhheeeecccckkkk and
////eeeettttcccc////iiiinnnniiiitttt....dddd////ppppmmmmiiiieeee provides the infrastructure required
for PCP to search for behavior indicative of
performance problems in a fully automated manner with
little or no local customization required. Where
customization is needed, ppppmmmmiiiieeeeccccoooonnnnffff(1) provides a
convenient way of doing this.
3. A new utility, hhhhiiiipppppppprrrroooobbbbeeee(1), has been added which will
check the status of HIPPI interfaces on a system.
More sophisticated monitoring of HIPPI interfaces will
be supported with a hhhhiiiippppppppiiii PMDA that will be released
as part of the forthcoming PCP for HPC add-on product.
3.3.2 _P_C_P__1_._3__t_o__P_C_P__2_._0
1. Monitor applications no longer use the local default
name space to get PMIDs for metric names unless the
name space file is explicitly given as a ----nnnn option or
the target ppppmmmmccccdddd, specified by ----hhhh, is a lower revision
than PCP 2.1. Monitor applications use the
distributed name space by sending PDU requests to
2. To convert an existing user-written monitor
application to use the distributed name space, the
following must be done:
+o Only call ppppmmmmLLLLooooaaaaddddNNNNaaaammmmeeeeSSSSppppaaaacccceeee(3) in the case of being
given a ----nnnn option to specify a particular name
space file. If one only wants to use the
distributed name space then the call to
ppppmmmmLLLLooooaaaaddddNNNNaaaammmmeeeeSSSSppppaaaacccceeee(3) can be deleted altogether. As
soon as ppppmmmmLLLLooooaaaaddddNNNNaaaammmmeeeeSSSSppppaaaacccceeee(3) is called, the
application is in local name space mode.
+o All calls to the PMAPI name space functions must
be made in a current PMAPI context. Previously,
since a context was not used to service name
space functions, it was possible to call these
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functions before any new context was created.
Now, if there is no current PMAPI context and
ppppmmmmLLLLooooaaaaddddNNNNaaaammmmeeeeSSSSppppaaaacccceeee(3) has not previously been called
when a name space function is called an error
code will be returned.
+o The calls to the PMAPI name space functions (in
distributed mode) will take longer to execute (as
they must send/receive a PDU to/from a remote
ppppmmmmccccdddd). This means that the name space calls
should not be made unnecessarily.
+o All name space calls should be tested for
failure. This was, of course, always the case,
but previously there was more chance that one
could get away without testing some calls for
failure. However, now, every call could have some
failure due to problems with sending or receiving
a PDU.
3. The oooovvvviiiieeeewwww(1) application for monitoring Origin 200 and
Origin 2000 systems has migrated from the SC4-
PCPORIGIN product and is now included in the
_p_c_p__e_o_e._s_w._m_o_n_i_t_o_r subsystem. This application is
unlicensed and will operate with an unlicensed
4. Many of the GUI PCP tools have been integrated into
the IRIX Interactive Desktop environment, including
launch by icon, drag-n-drop behavior for hosts or
archives dropped onto PCP tools and a new ppppmmmmrrrruuuunnnn(1)
command to support optional command line arguments for
PCP tools launched from the desktop.
5. A PPPPeeeerrrrffffTTTToooooooollllssss page in the Icon Catalog has been created
for launching PCP tools.
6. The handling of error messages for both GUI and
command-line invocations of most tools has been
unified and made more consistent.
7. The ppppmmmmttttiiiimmmmeeee(1) application that provides time control
services to other PCP tools has been enhanced in a
number of ways:
+o A new Archive Time Bounds dialog (available only
in archive mode) allows time window bounds to be
constrained or expanded at run-time (particularly
useful when replaying archives that are still
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+o Extensions to the ppppmmmmttttiiiimmmmeeee client protocol to allow
clients to force VCR state changes and alter the
time window bounds.
+o The ppppmmmmttttiiiimmmmeeee protocol is nnnnooootttt backwards compatible
with the PCP 1.x implementation, but all clients
of ppppmmmmttttiiiimmmmeeee are re-released with the images on the
PCP 2.0 CD and both ppppmmmmttttiiiimmmmeeee and its clients
execute on the same system.
8. The ppppmmmmkkkkssssttttaaaatttt(1) command has been restructured in the
wake of _l_i_b_p_c_p__l_i_t_e's demise, and in particular a new
----LLLL option supports stand alone use without ppppmmmmccccdddd(1).
3.4 _F_e_a_t_u_r_e_s__R_e_m_o_v_e_d__o_r__D_e_p_r_e_c_a_t_e_d
In PCP 2.1, the following features from earlier PCP versions
have been removed or are deprecated.
3.4.1 _P_C_P__1_._3__t_o__P_C_P__2_._0
1. The original intent in the Performance Co-Pilot
framework was to support seamless VCR-replay between a
current ``live'' source and a recently created archive
In practice, the semantic and operational difficulties
associated with transitions between ``live'' and
``archive'' modes are so significant that the feature
has been abandoned.
Earlier PCP releases included a ``stubbed-out''
application ppppmmmmvvvvccccrrrr(1) that did not really do anything
and assorted infrastructure ``hooks''. These have
been removed.
standalone (without ppppmmmmccccdddd) library _l_i_b_p_c_p__l_i_t_e._s_o has
ppppmmmmNNNNeeeewwwwCCCCoooonnnntttteeeexxxxtttt(3) routine.